Characteristics of Beetles

Beetles come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. Some are long and slender while others are oval and round. On average, beetles are under an 1′ in length.
Understanding Beetles
Beetles feed on plants, small insects, and animal fibers.
Signs of Infestation
- You hear scratching, gnawing, squeaking, or scurrying on or in the walls.
- You find holes and gnaw marks in the walls or on the floor.
How to Get Rid of Beetles the Pest PRO Way
Because beetles can become a problem, it becomes extremely important to contact your Pest PRO. Our protection process starts with an assessment of your situation. We then identify the best solution to move forward with. We use the latest technology and training so we can provide you with the BEST solution available. Lastly, we monitor the situation to ensure the bed bugs do not return.
How to Deal with Beetles
Beetles develop in a four-stage life cycle. These stages include egg, larva, pupa, and adult. The length of these life cycles all depends on the type of beetle. Some develop very quickly and they can produce more than one generation each year. Others on the other-hand can take several years to decades to develop from egg to adult.
Chemical Free Control Practices
- Clean: some beetles can simply be removed by using a vacuum.
- Sanitation: good sanitation practices and removing scrap foods.
- Inspect: inspect foods, fabrics, and wooden items prior to bringing them into the home.
The Pest PRO Approach
We’ll investigate your house for the current pest problem and devise a plan for treatment.
We’ll remove the pest through proper means as well as treat your home to help prevent them from returning.
We’ll do everything we can to keep the pests out by using whatever means necessary.