
Characteristics of Rats

Rats - Pest Removal - Rodent Control

Rats are typically 9 to 11 inches in length not including the tail.  They are generally slender in shape with a pointed head, large eyes, and prominent, thinly furred ears.  

Understanding Rats


Rats are naturally picky eaters.  However, that can change if their preferred foods aren’t readily available.  When food sources are limited, rats are known to chow down on whatever they can get their paws on, including trash and compost.

Signs of Infestation

How to Get Rid of Rats the Pest PRO Way

Because rats can become a problem quickly, it becomes extremely important to contact your Pest PRO.  Our protection process starts with an assessment of your situation.  We then identify the best solution to move forward with.  We use the latest technology and training so we can provide you with the BEST solution available.  Lastly, we monitor the situation to ensure the rats do not return.

How to Deal with Rats

Rat problems require the assistance of a pest PRO who will implement a management plan to help rid them from you presence.  It can be very difficult for homeowners to get rid of rats on their own, though you can clean house and set snap traps.  Because of this, a homeowners best bet is to work with the Pest PROs to develop a plan for treatment of it.  A key here however is not to procrastinate when you see signs of rats.  The general rule is if you see one, there are 99 more you don’t see.  Therefore, it is vital to get on top of the issue right away.

Chemical Free Control Practices

Chemical Control Practices

The Pest PRO Approach


We’ll investigate your house for the current pest problem and devise a plan for treatment.


We’ll remove the pest through proper means as well as treat your home to help prevent them from returning.


We’ll do everything we can to keep the pests out by using whatever means necessary.

Contact a Pest PRO Today