Characteristics of Bats

Bats are typically about 2 to 3 inches when measured from nose to tail. They weigh in at about 10 grams. Their wingspan is approximately 10 inches in length. There are two major types of bats, megabats (larger in size) and micobats (smaller in size).
Understanding Bats
Most bats feed on night-flying insects. They chase down and capture their prey mid-flight. A single bat can eat 4 to 8 grams of insects each night. Bats use echolocation to locate the insects. They then use their wing or tail membranes to trap it and eat it.
Signs of Infestation
- Seeing bats flying around your house is a sign they might be residing within.
- The scent of ammonia comes from bat droppings and indicates bats are living in your house.
- Odd scents in your house indicates that some foreign dweller is living amongst you.
- Seeing dead bats around your residence is a good indication that there are others still living.
- Finding stained entry points into your dwelling indicates their access to your home.
- Bats entering the main entry points of your home.
- Hearing strange noises from the interior of the house.
How to Get Rid of Bats the Pest PRO Way
Because bats can turn into a major problem, it becomes extremely important to contact your Pest PRO to help get rid of them. Our protection process starts with an assessment of your situation. We then identify the best solution to move forward with. We use the latest technology and training so we can provide you with the BEST solution available. Lastly, we warranty our work for 10 years that your home will be bat free, or we’ll fix it for free!
How to Deal with Bats
Bat problems require the assistance of a pest PRO who will implement a management plan to help rid them from you presence. The key to keeping a bat out of your home is finding out how they are getting in. Therefore, the first step of the Pest PROs is to identify the entry point. A key here however is not to procrastinate when you see signs of bats. Waiting too long will allow time to enhance their population as well as create more debris issues inside your home.
Chemical Free Control Practices
- Exclusion: have a professional find and create a one way exit point that allows bats out of your home, but not reentry.
- Sanitation: minimize available shelter inside your structure that might attract bats.
- Patience: humane bat removal can take months to accomplish as the bat needs to reprogram their living location and food source.
The Pest PRO Approach
We’ll investigate your house for the current pest problem and devise a plan for treatment.
We’ll remove the pest through proper means as well as treat your home to help prevent them from returning.
We’ll do everything we can to keep the pests out by using whatever means necessary.