Characteristics of Mice

Mice are typically about 5.5 to 7.5 inches in length. This range includes the length of the mouse’s tail. Something that helps differentiate one species of mice with another is their color.
Understanding Mice
In their natural settings in nature, mice eat plant leaves, stems, seeds, roots, fruits, berries, and insects. In their unnatural settings in a home, mice will eat whatever is left lying around and available for them.
Signs of Infestation
- Seeing a mouse present in your dwelling is an obvious sign of an infestation.
- Mouse droppings in locations where mice might be present in a dwelling.
- Footprints and tracks in dusty locations in your dwelling.
- Seeing nests in burrowed or wall mount areas indicates they are present and growing in size.
- Seeing gnawed and chewed paper, food, plastic, or wood around your dwelling.
- Hearing scurrying within your walls or attics indicate an infestation.
- Smelling abnormal odors from urine or fecal materials indicate the presense of mice.
How to Get Rid of Mice the Pest PRO Way
Because mice can become a problem quickly, it becomes extremely important to contact your Pest PRO. Our protection process starts with an assessment of your situation. We then identify the best solution to move forward with. We use the latest technology and training so we can provide you with the BEST solution available. Lastly, we monitor the situation to ensure the mice do not return.
How to Deal with Mice
Mice problems require the assistance of a pest PRO who will implement a management plan to help rid them from you presence. Each species of mouse has it’s own behaviors and habitats. Therefore, the first step of the Pest PROs is to identify what species it is and develop a plan for treatment of it. A key here however is not to procrastinate when you see signs of mice. Waiting too long will allow time to enhance their population, which will turn into a much greater problem.
Chemical Free Control Practices
- Exclusion: seal any openings greater than 0.25 inches using screen, door sweeps, flashing, sealants, or other materials
- Sanitation: minimize available food, water, and shelter inside and outside your structure that might attract mice.
- Traps: utilize traps and other devices to kill or help remove mice from the dwelling.
Chemical Control Practices
- Bait: rodent bait is formulated to help attract and kill mice when they have become a problem.
The Pest PRO Approach
We’ll investigate your house for the current pest problem and devise a plan for treatment.
We’ll remove the pest through proper means as well as treat your home to help prevent them from returning.
We’ll do everything we can to keep the pests out by using whatever means necessary.